Chocolate Boys Of TV Celebrate Chocolate Day

A lot of times when I had just entered in the industry and even till now, I am called a Chocolate Boy. Abhishek Tewari, Shashank Vyas, Rehaan Roy,

By Team Bollyy
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Chocolate Boys Of TV Celebrate Chocolate Day

Chocolate Day is here and the chocolate boys of TV give JYOTHI VENKATESH their take on the day!

Abhishek TewariAbhishek Tewari

A lot of times when I had just entered in the industry and even till now, I am called a Chocolate Boy. When I used to model at that time as well, I used to receive such compliments. They used to call me with different names as well such as chocopie, etc . Chocolate days are your teenage days when you are in this age of innocence and there are so many experiences you are exploring as you're growing up. So those are very sweet, chocolaty days in which you get to know about different parts of life and about yourself. 

Shashank Vyas 

Shashank Vyas

It's a compliment to be called a chocolate boy and I have been told so often that when I maintain a clean shaven look, I am the perfect chocolate boy. As far as Chocolate Day is concerned, I don't mind receiving chocolates but I eat chocolate only  some times and I am not chocoholic

Vivian Dsena 

Vivian Dsena 

I have been called a rustic chocolate boy and I have no idea what it means. As far as Chocolate Day is concerned, I don't believe in such days.

Shivin Narang 

Shivin Narang 

Giving chocolates to anyone is the easiest way to make them feel good or just to start a conversation with someone. Girls love chocolate, they are fond of them. So that's the easiest way to start a conversation and it's a very sweet gift as well. To start love I guess chocolate is very important.

Ansh Bagri 

Ansh Bagri 

Chocolate Day stands for sweets. Universally, it happens that whenever you start anything good, you start by having sweet.  Love and chocolate has a strong connection because love is also sweet so you start with chocolate and chocolate is everyone's favorite as well.

Rehaan Roy 

Rehaan Roy

I have received this compliment many times and I always reply to this saying,  'I love people who eat chocolates'. Well, to be very honest, I think when you love chocolates, then everyday is a chocolate day. But yes, when I’m on diet then certainly on this “chocolate day” I can have an excuse to eat a bunch of chocolates.

Ssharad Malhotra

Ssharad Malhotra

I have been called a chocolate boy since forever. I have enjoyed the adulation of the tag. I love chocolates. Any day, anytime, works for me. I am choholic but eat in limited quantity always. I like to gift chocolates too. I will surely gift some chocolates to some close buddies.

Jason Shah 

Jason Shah 

I have been often called boy always and it is a compliment. Because of fair looks it was bound to happen. I don't celebrate it but I like chocolates. I don't mind receiving chocolates on chocolate day. I will buy  bar of chocolates and distribute to friends. 

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Tags: Bollywood, Bollywood News, Bollywood Updates, Television, Telly News, Abhishek Tewari, Shashank Vyas, Rehaan Roy, Chocolate Day

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